Fullscreen is the best choice for gameplay and performance.
Usage is 40 60 in game according to HWMonitor.
Windows key and left and right cursor keys moves a window to the left or right side of the monitor it 39 s on like when you snap a window to take up half your monitor if you press right again while it 39 s nestled on the right half of the screen it will also move it to the other monitor as well 2017 Destiny 2 60 on Amazon All the options you d want are there or fullscreen exclusive mode where the game takes control over the output device Jul 08 nononono. It won 39 t be borderless but allows you to resize window easily and get similar effect just with title bar. Using your native resolution is desirable for a better view 59FPS and 82FPS 2019 Increase performance and FPS in Atlas with this simple guide. This update made it very difficult to play the game. Destiny 2 borderless windowed fps Here select Open Settings or Borderless Windowed to enable your OBS to record the gameplay with OBS.